Vaidya Sahayanidhi is a flagship program of Samajam which has already reached thousands of deserved and underprivileged patients. Samajam, in association with the renowned hospital groups, regularly conduct free medical camp at various locations in and around Bangalore. In the past, Samajam has organized hundreds of such medical camps. The medicines prescribed by the doctors at the medical camps were distributed free of costs to the patients.
Further, Samajam has supported hundreds of financially weaker patients in the past who were suffering from life-threatening diseases to take care of their medical expenses.
Samajam also, running an ambulance service at free of cost to the needy and deserved people with oxygen support.
Samajam has formed an active blood donor’s forum consisting of 250 members who were voluntarily given their consent to donate blood on demand. Samajam maintains a database of its blood donors for the benefit to the community. Whenever a demand comes from the general public, the panel heading the blood donor’s forum will select required donor after considering the donor’s present health condition and history of previous blood donation, make necessary arrangements to send the donors to the concerned hospital on time to donate the blood as required.
The team of volunteers of Samajam, who are ready to help the public (24/7) on any emergency at the time of accident hospitalization and bereavement. Usually, Samajam will take care of the incidental expenses in such cases as needed by the circumstances.